Framingham Parks & Recreation
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Men's Slow Pitch Softball League Register View Cart

Glove on the Field

Players must be 18 years of age or older. 

Number of players per team shall not exceed 25 and can not be less than 15.

All teams must have a minimum of 15 players on their roster that CANNOT be changed. 

A MINIMUM of 75% of the original 15 players (12 players) MUST be Framingham residents. (residency will be verified)

Players can be added or deleted from a team roster before June 3rd ONLY if they appear on places 16-25 of the roster form.  Rosters will be frozen as of June 1st. 

Players can play for only one team, regardless of division. 

Game start times are at 6:30pm, 7:40pm, & 8:50pm.

Games and practices may be held at Ryan Field, Mary Dennison I & II, Butterworth Park, or George King Field.

Teams must have matching shirts (color, logo) NO LATER THAN June 3rd.   

ASA Certified Umpires as well as Official ASA Slow Pitch Softball Rules are used (some in-house league rules apply).


Please email:

Rosters will be available beginning Monday, February 12th.  Roster forms will be emailed to team managers & must be filled out electronically.  No hand-written rosters will be accepted.

Rosters and checks are due to the Parks & Recreation Office NO LATER THAN 5:00pm on Friday, March 29th

For registered teams, there is a MANDATORY managers meeting on Wednesday, April 29th at 7:00pm at the Academy Building in Cushing Memorial Park.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
  Register via email ONLY
Men's Slow Pitch Softball, 2025 
18y - 99y N/A MW  04/14/2025 - 08/13/2025
06:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Long's Complex - Ryan Softball
$850.00 Res, $850.00 Non-Res
Please email for registration information