10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
SPECIAL OLYMPICS - Tennis - Tennis Framingham Parks & Recreation, in partnership with Special Olympics Massachusetts, provide year-round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for all children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, prepare for entry into school and community programs, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills and friendships with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.
Tennis is a popular sport played at all levels of skill and by players of all ages. Every athlete aims in passing the ball to the opponent's side of the net, striking it with a tennis racquet. The sport emphasizes values such as fair play, sportsmanship, and respect for fellow competitors. Tennis is not only fun to play, but it is a lifetime sport activity that is fun to practice and fun to learn.* * EQUIPMENT IS NOT PROVIDED - ATHLETES MUST BRING THEIR OWN TENNIS RACQUET.
** PLEASE TAKE NOTE **- When creating your account, please inform us of any special accommodations your athlete requires. This information is only used by the administration to ensure your athlete receives the proper assistance while in this class. - In addition to registering on this site, please visit www.specialolympicsma.org/athleteregistration (or click the link below) to be directed to the Special Olympics Athlete Registration system. There are additional requested forms that must be completed prior to participation.