6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Police Athletic League (PAL) Basketball - Police Athletic League (PAL) Basketball Police Athletic League Basketball Program, co-sponsored by the Framingham Parks & Recreation Department.The purpose of the PAL Basketball Program is to promote positive relationships between law enforcement and the community. Members of the law enforcement community along with experienced coaches mentor the youth to realize their full potential as productive members of society.PAL Basketball is a supervised open-recreation program held at Harmony Grove Elementary school (formally known as Woodrow Wilson). PAL Basketball focuses on pick-up basketball play as well as some skill practice workouts for grades 6 - 12.PAL is a drop-in program and players may register at any point during the season.There may be exclusion dates throughout the school year. We will try to update this site when we are notified of them ahead of time. Be sure to always double-check with the Coaches - especially during School Breaks.